Sunday, 20 April 2014

Races: April Grand Prix 2014. Bratislava, Slovakia.

BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA, 20 APRIL 2014: Several trophies were played during the second day of the race season 2014 at Bratislava Racecourse, Bratislava, Slovak Republic on April 20, 2014. The main race for April Grand Prix was preceded by Copy Handicap Master, Rosenstrum Prix, Old Royal Prix, Otto Suchovsky Memorial and Czas Prix.

To see more photos of the event click here.

April 20, 2014, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
Copyright Dmitry Argunov. Any usage or publication of this material (including photos) without preliminary author consent is prohibited.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Devin-Bratislava national running competition. 67 anniversary.

BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA, 13 APRIL 2014: Traditional running international competition for all categories of runners "Narodny beh Devin" was held in Bratislava, Slovak Republic on April 13, 2014.

More than 6000 persons took part in the event.

It was 67 anniversary of this oldest runners competition in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia.

Again, as during the CSOB Bratislava Marathon, main expectations were connected with Kenyan runners.

And fruits can run!

While the winner among men again became a Kenyan sportsman, among women Kenyan representative remained only second.

This time the winner among women is from Slovakia!

Sometimes strenghts leave us in a couple steps to finish line.

Fruits not only can run, they can run for a long time ans for a long distance!

The trophy.

Mr. Milan Ftáčnik, the mayor of Bratislava

The best from the men: Joel Maina Mwangi (KEN) - 1st place, Oleksander Marvychuk (SVK) - 2nd place,  Dmytro Lashyn (SVK) - 3rd place

Joil Maina Mwangi (Kenya) repeated his recent success during the Bratislava Marathon and won the Devin-Bratislava run as well.

Katarina Bereshova (Kosice, Slovakia) took "the zero" among women

The winners among women: Katarina Beresova (SVK) - 1st place, Gladys Jepkurui Biwott (KEN) - 2nd place,  Zita Kacser (HUN) - 3rd place

Boys 11-12 years for 2600 m: Mato Hrtan - 1st place, Filip Bartek - 2nd place,  Adam Kostial - 3rd place

Boys 13-15 years for 2600 m: Matthias Gombeer - 1st place, Richard Duska - 2nd place,  Matej Farsky - 3rd place

Girls 11-12 years for 2600 m: Elena Podhorna-  1st place, Natalia Lohynova - 2nd place,  Katarina Pecsukova - 3rd place

Girls 13-15 years for 2600 m: Janka Walterova-  1st place, Elena Duskova - 2nd place,  Zuzana Karabova - 3rd place

Men 40-49 years: Imrich Pastor - 1st place, Bogdan Dziuba - 2nd place,  Orest Babiak - 3rd place

Men 50-59 years: Vladimir Buchal - 1st place, Bohuslav Melichercik - 2nd place,  Peter Portasik - 3rd place

Women 35-49 years: Jela Furuczova - 1st place, Renata Klcova - 2nd place, Monika Ruffini - 3rd place

Women over 50 years: Anna Portasikova - 1st place, Renata Holickova - 2nd place, Olga Kvasova - 3rd place
To see more photos from the event click here.

April 13, 2014, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
Copyright Dmitry Argunov. Any usage or publication of this material (including photos) without preliminary author consent is prohibited.